This month has been all full up on appointments... It took 3 appointments to get our taxes done... then well child check ups and then ultrasound up in Duluth and my regular dr. apts... Beatrice's well child went great, she's gained about 6 lbs and grown 4 inches! She's in the 50th percentile for height and weight now :) Funny, beacuse she doesn't seem like she's grown that much to us.
And the ultrasound in Duluth went well, everything is looking good :) And for those that haven't heard the news yet, new baby DeMarr is a boy. And he is measuring right on with the due date: June 27th.
I will have to have Mike post some pics on his blog of the fieldwork he's been out doing. Maria's been going with him on Saturdays up to the forest to set up camera stations. They've had to snowshoe, and they've been having a blast.
Duncan is still holding tight to Christmas! :) He's been singing Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the "shiney" nose... but he's also been singing a lot of other songs lately, its too cute ;) He'll sing about just about anything! And even though we rarely watch it, he knows pretty much the whole Barney song! ;)
Anyway, here is a few pics I've taken lately:
Practicing for the new baby. We're big on child labor around here ;)
We've been visited by a wolf a few times this winter. The first couple of times we only saw the tracks in the snow the next morning. Then one morning while we were making coffee we saw this huge black animal standing in the middle of the road. It was so big that we both first thought of a bear, but of course the bears are still hibernating... it was a wolf. And then we saw him again last night in the middle of our big snowstorm, he was running across the road just down from our house. One night we set up one of the motion activated cameras, that Mike is using for work, to see if we could catch him on camera - but of course he didn't show up that night.