Various cute pics snapped over the last month or two:
Dylan takes his eating very seriously, and isn't afraid to get down and dirty! :)
What a ham :)
Dylan LOVES the swing!!
Dylan will probably be walking very soon! He has been pretty brave and standing on his own a lot lately. He's already quite the climber! He will climb up and stand on the rails of his walker, or he'll push it from the outside walking around with it. He's pretty fast! He's great at crawl-chasing down Beatrice. He's going to give her some troubles once he starts walking! He has a great appetite and usually screams for what everyone else is eating!
Beatrice is just little miss attitude - quite the drama queen! She is talking so much these days! She's pretty silly :) If you tell her she's silly she'll say "No, I not silly, I just Beasris" then if you say "Oh, you're Beatrice?" she'll say "No, I just baby sisser." She's still in love with Dora - she's even counting to ten in Spanish! :)
Duncan is about the same as always ;) continually finding his "new" ways to do things ;) He has been surprising us by expanding his diet! The other night he actually ate an entire regular taco as well as the 3 or 4 taquitos I had made him since he won't usually eat tacos :)
Maria is (as usual) doing great in school! Her class had a trip to Copper Falls State Park today, she was really looking forward to it! She is doing great with the saxophone. She went and tried out for the state honors band last month. She didn't make it, but it was a great experience for her, and she enjoyed the trip to Eau Claire.
Mike is busy making plans for summer activities at work. He received his second MS this year from the U of I, as he couldn't continue with that PhD program. He was accepted to Colorado State University's online Community College Leadership PhD program! We are pretty excited about that :) Luckily most of his graduate credits are transferring. And the nice thing is that the college is about an hour away from Josh & Anne, so we are going to go along for Mike's residency requirement this fall to visit with them! :)
I've just been busy doing tons of crazy stuff as usual ;) Mostly trying to find time to sew diapers and covers :) I switched to cloth diapering a few months ago and have been using mostly prefolds and wool or fleece covers that I've made. I've made some diapers too, but need to get some more made :) I won't bore you with the pics here ;) but I do have a lot of pics on facebook here. I've been having fun going to garage sales for the past few weeks hunting wool sweaters to make recycled wool bum sweaters ;)
Well, I think that's most of what we've been up to lately! I'll try to post more often! :)