Friday, May 16, 2008

4 Years and Counting

Can you believe that Mike and I almost let our anniversary pass without a small celebration? If it wouldn't have been for a call from my mom (who was reminded by a call from my aunt) then it surely would have been the anniversary ecard from Carol Anne that reminded us. The funny thing was that I had actually baked a cake before my mom called and reminded me ;) so I just slapped a little "happy anniversary" on it.
Anyway, just thought I would celebrate a little here by revisiting that day four years ago yesterday! :)

And now for some things to chew on.....

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Glad you're happy about me adding you to my blog list. Things to chew on...cute! The blanket marriage thing. Saw this once on TV, can I ask are you or hubby or both Native American? It was a documentary I saw and thought it was very beautiful about the sharing of the blanket.

Thanks on the wormie hat! Was kinda fun making it.
