We got Duncan's toddler bed put up this weekend. He got all excited when he saw us bringing the pieces down from upstairs - he knew what it was right away. Every time we walked by with
a piece he said "truck, truck." And man was he excited when he saw it all put together! He jumped right in it. He napped successfully in it Sat and Sun and even went to bed at night in it on Sat!! Sunday afternoon I was thinking it was a miracle bed! ;) but I think I jinxed it because Sunday night he broke down and wouldn't go to sleep - he was in there crying and asking for a bottle, asking for toys, asking for a
bike... so after about an hour or more we gave up and put him in our bed. Hopefully that won't be an every night occurrence... He still absolutely loves the bed. Every time I go in their room to change Beatrice's diaper he comes running in and climbs into the bed. He insists on having his diaper changed and clothes changed in the bed.
We spent Sunday afternoon helping Maria with her diorama for her Indian tribe p
roject. She chose to do hers on the Kickapoo. We helped her make a wigwam out of twigs. She went out and found a bunch of green twigs and Mike put them together while I tied them. His idea for faux birch bark on the outside was genius. He had Maria cut out squares of white cardboard, bend them and ink them up with lines and spots to look like birch bark. Its going to look really cool when its done!
The weather has been horrid here - it rained all but one day last week and it looks like rain is in the forecast for all week this week... it was actually hot and humid yesterday - and of course we took the air conditioner out of the window last weekend. A lot of people took theirs out... it had been in the 50s the week before. Crazy. The leaves are all a little past peak here now. There are a few stretches towards Hayward where all the leaves are gone already! I need to get out and get some pictures before they're all gone!
The most horrific thing happened this weekend. We bought the movie "Bug." I thought it was a horror movie. The title indicated a horror movie, the picture on the jacket made it look like a horror movie, as did the stills on the back... the description reads something about a "lonely waitress blah blah blah... until the first bugs arrive..." "It will crawl under your skin " and it said on the front "from the director of The Exorcist" and "one of the most disturbing horror movies imaginable" so what's not to smack of horror movie there?? The opening scene was what looked like a man laying dead in a military confinement scene... so we watched and waited through like an hour or so of bars and drug use and a menacing abusive x-husband... expecting that at any moment a giant genetically altered monstrous maniac of a bug would jump out and kill someone... it never happened. Instead we watched the digression of drug induced paranoia about non-existent aphids slowly eating away at the skin of these pathetic lonely drug addicts. It was awful. Might it have been better if we had known what the real premise of the movie was, instead of going in blindly thinking it was a non-thought challenging gore fest? Maybe. But we certainly wouldn't have let Maria watch any of it. We fast forwarded through the drug scenes and sex scene, and the scene with the guy crawling around the bed naked searching for these non-existent aphids... ugh! the horror!
Well, got some more cute pics of Beatrice smiling ;) and some in her pretty outfits ;) yay for the extended warm w
eather! as
iserable as it was! 
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