Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nap Strike Diaries...

OK, so I worked on the "Halloween" blog for 4 days! (just published it today with yesterdays date on it) :) I was just going to blog about taking the little ones to play group on Monday, and then do another one with all 3 kids dressed up... Let's just say it's been a rough week... Beatrice has been colicky all week :( starting Monday just after playgroup with screaming fits... and on top of that it's been major nap strikes with Duncan all week. Monday afternoon was just crazy - Every time I would get Beatrice asleep and try to lay her down she would wake up and start crying again... and Duncan's new form of nap strike is not just laying there crying or jabbering, he started getting up and running out of the room! Monday afternoon I put the gate up at his door (after he came running out about 20 times) - then he threw everything he could get his hands on over the gate... I spent the entire afternoon (3 hours) trying to get him to stay in bed and take a nap while trying to keep Beatrice from screaming... It was not a fun afternoon. Tuesday was much the same except for after putting Duncan back in bed about 10 times I gave up and just put him to bed at 7pm. But of course he just does not function well without a nap and he was cranky and naughty quite a bit more than usual... So Wednesday I was determined to make him take his nap. I tried everything - put him back in bed, stood at the door and laid him back down every time he got up, sat in there with him and kept laying him back down... until finally I just held him down with my legs across him (while nursing the baby) until he fell asleep... He cried, he laughed, cried again then gave up. It took 1 1/2 hours to get him to sleep, but then he slept for 2 hours and I was able to get a few things done. And he was much better behaved last night. Today it only took 45 mins (and a chorus of crying)!

We have started using the time out chair from Emma for Duncan... here he is taking a time out
And here he is turning away from the camera - humiliating to have your picture taken in the naughty chair :)
Here's Beatrice working the mic with Dad :)
She's a fast learner ;)
Duncan on his sit and spin....
which is on top of his chair and a few blankets... yes, danger is his middle name...
Dad reading Duncan his bedtime storyMom actually getting to finish a meal :)

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