Monday, September 17, 2007

Playpen Follies

Well, it finally happened... the boy breached the walls of his playpen... For the past couple of weeks he had been flinging one leg over and hauling himself up, balancing on the bar, halfway in halfway out - not quite brave enough to fling the other leg over, and probably not knowing how close he was to escape... But Sunday morning, after being sent to the playpen for the third or fourth time for jumping on the couch or throwing his toys, he came racing his dump truck into the kitchen with a whoop of glee and freedom.

He's turned into quite the daredevil these days. And he loves driving around his dump truck. But he loses control of it in the kitchen, since the floor is slipperier than the carpet - it goes too fast for him and it always ends in tears... three times in a row he wiped out with it - the second time he slammed into the kitchen cupboards with such force that he was sent diving into the back of it...the third time hitting his nose on the tail end of it, so we took it away for a bit and then he brought out his tiny dump truck, and within a few minutes of driving that tiny one around he took a nose dive over top of it onto the carpet, resulting in a nice carpet burn on his nose... He's taken to calling people honey... hi honey, bottle honey, juice honey, play honey. It's a riot! And he's started saying Thank You (gank ooh) in the right context - at first he would say it while handing you something, probably because I would say thank you when he handed me something. But he finally caught on and was saying gank ooh every time I would give him a piece of a blueberry muffin.

He had his 2-year dr's apt last week. He's doing great health-wise, growing really well. Although I'm sure that every measurement they did was slightly off - he did not want to cooperate at all. Wouldn't stand on the scale, wouldn't stand against the wall or lay on the bed to be measured for height... the nurse measured him at 33" but said that she wasn't sure that was right- which it wasn't because when the Dr started looking at his chart she said well, it looks like he shrunk! :) so she measured him again and came up with 37 1/2 and said that he was in the 90th percentile for height... we think that measurement was a little off too...

Maria is still thrilled about school - she is really loving the choir and band lessons. Now she is so paranoid about missing the bus again that she's waking up at all hours of the night thinking its time to get up. One day last week I went up to make sure she was up at 10 till 7 and she met me at her door with her clothes on but obviously looked like she had just gotten out of bed... she later said that she had gotten up around 3am thinking it was time to get up, got dressed and then realized what time it was, so went back to bed in her clothes... Last night we heard a cupboard door slam at a little after midnight... there was Maria in her clothes with her hair combed, all ready to go to school!

Baby Beatrice is doing well. Still eating, pooping and sleeping most of the day away. But I swear she smiled the other day! I was changing her diaper and noticed that she was really paying attention to me, so I stopped and started talking to her and she was looking right at me and smiled. I was thinking it was a little too early, but one of the books I have said they can start smiling at a month - but she hasn't done it again. Of course she smiles quite a bit, but it's not really a controlled smile. I just love the way babies stretch - I think it's my absolute favorite thing in the world. They just put their whole bodies into that stretch upon waking up - even their faces participate in the stretch. They bring up their legs (which seems a little backwards), arch their back stretch their arms out and stretch their faces out. Sometimes I want to wake her up just to see her stretch. :)

Well, we spent Sunday afternoon taking down and storing our yard stuff for the winter :*( It got down to 20 Thursday night... Mike's brother said he saw some snowflakes Friday morning! Of course it's supposed to be in the mid-70s this week - the last hurrah before winter takes hold.

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