Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hot, humid and just plain hot!!

OK, so it took me from Monday until this morning to finish my last blog entry... The past few days were so incredibly hot, humid and miserable! It's supposed to cool down and just be in the low 80s for the rest of the week, lets hope it really happens this time! My ankles have been swollen by noon...
Well, the kids are having lots of fun playing together :)
Duncan's happy to have so much attention!

With the extremely hot weather, the kids were out in the baby pool and playing with the hose. I went out and got a couple of different sprinklers for the girls yesterday afternoon, one shoots balls up into the air and the other is a launching rocket ship. We'll have to get those going this afternoon! :)

Just had to add this picture beacuse it's completely typical - everyone in the house is always right around me ;) including the dogs. The only one missing is Mike, who was taking the picture of course ;)

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