Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ultrasound Pictures

Well, had my Dr's apt yesterday. Everything is looking good. My blood pressure was down to a normal level - phew! :) must have been all the excitement of the day a couple of weeks ago. Amazingly, I gained 4 pounds in the past 2 weeks!! At my last visit I had only gained 1 pound in a month... I sat down and compared my weight gain from my pregnancy with Duncan and with this baby - it was too funny because at my last visit (30 weeks) I was 181.6 lbs - at the same point in my pregnancy with Duncan I was 181.4 lbs! Even though I gained 4 lbs this time I'm down from where I was with Duncan at this point - I was 188.7 with him at 32 weeks. Now that I've divulged way too much about weight... ;)

We had another ultrasound today! I persuaded my Dr to essentially make up a reason to do another one. Only because the baby was moving around so much at the 12 week ultrasound that we didn't get a picture that looked like a baby. Then at the 20 week ultrasound in Duluth, they didn't give us any pictures :( so I really wanted to get a picture for a scrapbook - we have great pictures from all 3 of Duncan's ultrasounds... So anyway, just got back from the ultrasound and guess what?? The baby had her hands and feet in front of her face the whole time... I guess she was playing with her feet and grabbing at her feet. So that just figures! But at least I got a decent profile picture and we got this 3D picture where you can see her legs up in front of her face... she was moving around so much - you can see on the profile that she must've moved :) well, I'm satisfied with these new pictures anyway. I like to have ultrasounds anyway, it's always reassuring, and it's nice to see the baby in there moving around and such. It's really quite awesome! :) It's a shame they don't usually schedule them more often. Some people are lucky to get one ultrasound. At the U of I they don't routinely do ultrasounds. I talked them into it early in my pregnancy with Duncan because I wanted to get an accurate due date since I hadn't been keeping track very well and wasn't completely sure when my last period was. Of course if I would have known that they couldn't tell the sex until 18 weeks I would have waited. But we ended up having one at 28 weeks with him because I was measuring large... then we had one at the very end, around 38 weeks because of the high blood pressure. Anyway, I'm just really glad my Dr was so nice about doing another ultrasound this time :) some better pictures for a scrapbook. But will I ever get around to scrapbooking?? ;) It's very much on my list! I may have to just cheat and do one online. At Wal-Mart you can do customized memory books online and have them delivered to your store! Isn't technology great?? There's some really awesome and easy things that you can do now with digital pictures! has some great stuff too. But of course they are a little more expensive than Wal-Mart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute pics!!! thanks for sharing them with us. we can't wait to meet little beatrice rae in person :) wonder who she will look like??