I have to say that Duncan is taking the changes really well. And it seems as though he has turned into a big boy overnight. With my being gone for a couple of days, and with Mike and Maria doing more things with and for Duncan since I have been busy with the baby and with recovering, he has been doing a lot more big boy stuff! I'm afraid that I was hampering his growing up a little bit. He's capable of a lot more than I've given him the opportunity to do. I was shocked when a few days after I got home we had Duncan hop in the shower with Dad, I was going to wait for Mike to get done to help get his pants and socks on, but when I got to that part, Duncan lifted one of his legs then the other for me to slide his pants on! and did the same for his socks. I almost cried :) of course I'm sure part of it was the excess of hormones! ;) Mike said that he'd been having him do that - I guess part of me just wanted him to stay a baby as long as possible. It's amazing how big he looks now with a small baby around! I knew he would look bigger, but I'm just surprised at how so. One of the best new changes is that he is finally picking up his own toys! I had been trying to get him to do it, had read different ways to encourage them to do it and nothing had really worked, and I can't say that I was all that insistent or consistent about it... but last week I told Maria to try to get him to help pick up his toys, told her to make it a game or something - it was completely astonishing how quickly he picked up on it and got all his toys in the toybox! Now he loves pick up toy time! :) Maria and Mike have both done such wonders with him. Through this whole experience, I have come to some realizations - Firstly, that I really need to start spending time on an individual basis with all of the kids. Secondly, that I really need to start doing more interactive things with Duncan - he's probably ready for a lot more than I think!
Although, he was no
t quite ready for his third real haircut!! He did so well with his first two, that I figured he would be fine with another one... he bawled and screamed
his head off the whole time! I had to hold his head still while Mike cut his hair! I guess in some ways he still is a big baby ;) But at least his bangs are out of his eyes! :)
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