Monday, July 9, 2007

Just another chaotic day

What a chaotic day so far! I’ve been on the phone all morning.
Last night there was a storm, and since then our internet service had been down… after calling the telephone company and their DSL tech support line and the line still not working, the telephone company called back and said that lightning knocked out a piece of their equipment - ran me through shutting everything down a few times and nothing… ugh… why is it they always run you through everything that you've already tried?? Amazingly after an hour or so they called back and it started working again :) yay.

Also last night a stray dog showed up in our yard. Yesterday afternoon we saw the hind end of the dog going into the woods behind the neighbors house and thought it was a wolf. But then it came back a little after dinner time. I had sent the girls out to get Brutal’s bowl and they came running back in saying there was either a big dog or wolf in the yard with Brutal. Turned out it was a very large husky or malamute. It has a collar on. He’s turned in to Brutal’s best buddy. The girls hung out on the back porch watching the two play. I saw him lift his leg to pee on some plants and said “I guess it’s a boy” and about 2 seconds after saying that Brutal got on him and started humping him! The girls were in hysterics, and I’m not going to lie - so was I! It was the funniest thing! Of course the girls didn’t want to come in, they were ready to camp out on the back porch all night watching those two dogs. And that's what they've been doing most of the day even though both dogs are just back there laying around doing nothing. Oh well, I guess they are keeping themselves occupied. I called the county sheriff this morning and they said to call the pound, so called them and they called back when I was on the phone with the telephone company... so called them back again - of course they said they're still working on dog calls from Friday, so may not be able to get out today - but they had a call from someone missing a dog that sounds similar, so will be trying to find the owner... he's not mean or anything, he just looks like he's sick or very old.

7/10/07 - Animal control ended up coming around 4pm, and of course the dog had disappeared... go figure - he hung out here all night and all day and the dog catcher comes and he's gone. But we asked the neighbor if he'd seen him and he said that he was probably at the other neighbor's house, he'd been going back and forth. So he ended up getting nabbed in the end. We got a call from the dog's owner that evening. I looked them up in the phone book to see how far the dog had come - not too far. But the funny thing is that it turned out being someone who had come and worked on the pipes for the ladies who used to live here. He stopped not too long after we'd moved in to give us his set of keys to the house and let us know that if we needed any help with the pipes... we were thinking that maybe the dog had been here before.

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